We’ll be travelling for two months in Vancouver, England/Wales and parts of Europe, staying in cohousing, giving talks and selling books, and generally making connections with other great communities and people working together for a better world. Get in touch if you’re in the area and would like to link up!
30.8.23 to 18.9.23 Vancouver
Visits and talks to:
Little Mountain Cohousing https://www.littlemountaincohousing.ca/
Driftwood Cohousing https://www.driftwoodvillagecohousing.com/
Quayside Village Cohousing https://cohousing.ca/communities/bc/quayside-village/
Windsong Cohousing https://windsong.bc.ca/
Vancouver Cohousing https://vancouvercohousing.com/
16.9.23 Talk and bookstall at Homesteading Fair, Cowichan Station, Vancouver Island https://cowichanstation.org/
19.9.23 to 13.10.23 England and Wales
28.9.23 Cohousing UK Symposium, Coin St, London. 11 am to 4 pm. https://cohousing.org.uk/
30.9.23 Talk to Swansea cohousing group, Wales 10 am to 12pm.
4.10.23 LILAC Low Impact Living Affordable Community, Leeds https://www.lilac.coop/
7.10.23 Book events at Bath and Frome, England.
13.10.23 to 30.10.23 Europe
17.10.23 Talk at Utrecht University, Netherlands
19.10.23 Ecodorp Boekel https://www.ecodorpboekel.nl/
21.10.23 Spreefeld, Berlin https://spreefeld.org/
26 – 28.10.23 Damanhur, Italy https://damanhur.travel/